Sunday 4 June 2017

Lucid Dream Overnight!!

Here we go,
Lucid dreaming is the art of controlling dream. During a normal dream you will not be aware that you are in a dream but you will act like it is a real life. Once you realize it is a dream you will start to become lucid in your dreams. The ability to become lucid depends on how you are aware during your daytime. The more aware you are during wake state the more lucid your dream will become during sleep.

Taking advantage of this phenomenon, lots of lucid dreaming technique were formed.
My opinion is to use 'reality check'. its pretty easy and highly effective

Reality Check

       This is a pretty simple method that makes you aware during daytime and increase the chance of lucid dreaming
when you are awake say to yourself that you are not dreaming and feel your environment
press your fingers against your palm. this is to make sure that you are not dreaming because when you dream your fingers will penetrate your palm. Also try breathing with your nose closed( I'm not responsible ) you could suffocate unlike in dreams where you can breathe even with your nose closed this is also to make sure that you are not dreaming'
if you do this once every 15 minutes during awake state. you could easily increase your chance of lucidity
it would atleast take a week to have your first lucid dream( you can do it overnight)

but if you are seriously into it you can use binaural beats or lucid dream pills
I personally prefer binaural beats because most people say it works even in the first try

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are stereoscopic sounds. It is a sound of varying frequencies send differently to two ears while the brain perceives the difference in the frequency to be third tone and entrains to the frequency. The frequency for lucid dreaming is deep alpha or theta
all you have to do is to search the internet for lucid dreaming B.B which you can download for free

 once you become lucid. don't panic but just focus and try t be lucid as long as you can. If you have difficulty in lucid dreaming, post your questions in your comment or E-mail me,

Friday 19 May 2017

How to boost your confidence using NLP

You don’t have to struggle a lot to gain more confidence anymore

Here is a simple NLP technique to boost your confidence

1.       Close your eyes

2.       Relax yourself by using binaural beats or without any external help(your wish but the former works better)

3.       Visualize yourself in front of a huge crowd

4.       Gold color is always associated with consciousness so visualize yourself filling with gold light, continue doing this until you have a feeling of confidence in you

5.       The entire crowd is appreciating you

6.       once this is done, bend and release your forefinger and middle finger keeping your eyes still closed, This acts as an anchor i.e the feeling of confidence is associated with the sign

7.       continue to do this for a week early in the morning.

That’s it. Its as easy as that .Now every time you go for a party or somewhere use the sign(bend and release your forefinger and middle finger) and it will give you the confidence you had during your relaxed state.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Neg Theory: Don't use it if you are unsure

                                       Neg Theory

What is negging?

Negging was invented by Erik Von Markovik  a.k.a Mystery. Negging means a statement that disqualifies you as a suitor at the same time poking at the ego of the target and not a mere statement of insult. Negging is used during the attraction phase to erase the idea from the obstacles that you are not another chump who wants to get into the pants but a friendly person who wants to socialize.

These are the objectives of Negging

  • To disqualify yourself as a suitor
  • To hurt the targets ego

Do not neg someone who is ugly because it causes them to think that you are just like everyone else.

Common negs are ‘’nice nails, are those real BTW?’’, ‘’hands off the merchandise” ‘’Is she always like that” the best way to understand neg is that it is nothing but the things you say to people whom you don’t find attractive. It’s not a mere insult. Negs makes the Obstacles(her so called friends) to think that you are not trying to seduce her because you wont say that if you wanna seduce.

 We always go behind what we don’t have and this is especially true for hot chicks. Hot girls are not only worshipped by Indians but all the guys in the street. That constan attention and soothing sppeches inflates her ego since her childhood and when you coming from nowhere dealing her as anyone else, the target tries to make you get attracted to her. This is the purpose of Negging. If you still didn’t get attracted for the entire session It creates a obsession in her which is called ‘Attraction’. In Neil Strauss’ book ‘the game’ he finally goes to settle with a girl whom at first was tough. Just like a hot chick who gets attracted to cocky guy. The worlds best PUA gets obsessed with her because she seems to be unreachable but after she gets into the reach of him, we all know what he did.

Please keep in mind that you should not neg someone who is below 8. The negs should not be insulting, this is where rookies go wrong, they confuse negging with the insult and no one loves insulting

Monday 15 May 2017

Advanced Mind Control Using Submodalities Shift

As Most of you have seen Christopher Nolan's Inception. I will give you a Example from that Movie
Leonardo Dicaprio's wife was very much obsessed with the dream world that she refuses to wake up
Leonardo planned to change her mind so he went into her deep mind and alters it (the spinning top)
It had affected her so bad that she suicides in the real(comparatively) world. So what happens

What Is a model ?

 In NLP, model is how a person sees the world, his own reality. If I grow up in a place where war and scarcity is more common, My opinion towards the world is that it is cruel thus if I talk with you,  will have a sense of distrust but at the same time I grow up in a wealthy place with loving parents, My model towards the world is that it is a good place but neither is right:
The process of modeling takes place through three factors:


Generalization is a neurological process in which a person predicts a set of events by observing or 
experiencing the event of a same set, this decides our IQ to some extentIn most of the IQ tests, there will be a definite question.2,4,6,8,...?(its not that easy though)But we all able to answer that it is 10because our mind generalizes that each successive number is even or added 1 to it or a multiple of 2This same phenomenon takes place in Modeling in ChildrenIn our last example there was a kid who was raised in a bad environmentFor that Kid, The frowning faces around him and the thirst rude people made him generalize an opinion about the world which is not so good just like we generalized the numbers are multiples of two. This enables us to predict his personality and his behavior in certain situation.


Deletion comes after Generalization. Our 5 senses gets a lot of information from the outer world that we will go crazy if we process all the information. Right now, are you aware of the heat in your hands produced due to the circulation of blood. I'm sure you don't. In modeling process Deletion often occurs to prove ourselves the fact that we generalized thus creating a positive feedback loop. Consider the same first example, The kid who is now holding strong to the fact that the world he is living is cruel(model) so when an event occurs that defies his generalized fact, It becomes deleted. (Poor kid). But in most practical situation it gets distorted


Distortion is a modeling process in which the real event gets distorted or confused with a similar event which proves the generalization to be true.
Lets get back to the same kid. He is a grown up now, trying to face the world. This time there may be certain people who are really caring to him but in order to prove his own generalization, His mind distorts the event which makes him think that they want something from him.

How it is stored/expressed?
Model is stored/expressed in the form of Metaphor. This is the root of Freudian Dream Analysis
A common dream Analysis is that if you dream of being naked in public shows that you have been in a exaggerating situation before. Each individual units of Model is called sub-model and it is expressed in the form of symbol. Manipulating this symbol means manipulating the entire aspect of the person.
It is different for different people as the neurological filters are different. But a very few things are similar

Examples for similar of sub-modal symbol:
Rose is for love for most people
Wallet is for Wealth

How To find Your Own Sub-Modal symbol:
1.      Sit or lie in a comfortable position and let your body relax, Use Binaural Beats if necessary
2.      Clear your mind from thoughts as much as you can
3.      Think of the word you need symbol for, if your mind is relaxed and clear you will see an image infront of you.
Find someone else’s Sub-Modal symbol:
First find your own symbol for some Sub-Modal so you have a clear idea of the mindset you need to be in order to find it.
1.      Put them in hypnotic trance( There are tons of tutorials available to do this so Im gonna cut it off)
2.      Ask them what comes first in their mind when you say the Sub-Modal
They will probably say any stuffs like rose for love et cetera.

Manipulation, Thought Implantation, Mind control
Most of you by this time you would understand why I said Inception as an example at first
If you still don’t get it here it goes:
Manipulating symbol means manipulating the person itself
This is used in clinical hypnosis for Addiction control, Stress releasing and To enhance your Confidence
It affects them so bad in their waking state that they find it irresistible based on Freudian Determinism
Here is a procedure on how to control mind

Mind Control through Sub-Modalities Shift:
Sub-modalities shift is the technique of manipulating the symbol of the sub-Modal to bring favorable results from the host(yourself or someone else)
Here are the preparations:
·         Have a trance inducing script memorized(Google it)
·         Make a metaphor for the change you want to induce

1.      Put them in a deep trance. The deeper it is, the better it will work.
2.      Find the Symbol of the Sub-modalitiy you wish to manipulate.
3.      Ask the host to describe symbol more vividly
4.      Now manipulate it in the way you wish the person to behave
5.      Get them out of the trance
I will give you few examples so that you could understand well
This can be used in yourself as well as in others to elicit a desired response

Sub-Modality Shift To Make Someone Stop Drinking or Smoking:
1.      Trance induction just like in traditional hypnosis
2.      Ask the person for the symbol of his Greatest Fear by asking him what was the most scary event in his life, ask him to visualize it more vividly by asking them the details, then how did he feel about the event, (sub-modal of a feeling have more manipulative power)finally ask him to what would be the symbol for this feel. This is your symbol for his greatest fear. Now you have the key to induce him fear
3.      Through guided visualization, ask him to visualize him holding the tobacco or drink
4.      Then ask him to visualize it turning into the symbol of his greatest fear, if your voice, his visualization and the relaxation becomes perfect. At this time his pulse would boost and he will have an high feeling of fear.
5.      Get him out of trance successfully.
If done properly he would anchor tobacco or drink to his feeling of greatest fear and never touch that again. If it is a light trance you need to do it for a few times

Sub-Modality Shift to Make Someone Crazy towards You:
   I am pretty sure that most of the people Who visits my Blog is for this
There are a few drawbacks:
·         You cannot do this on a stranger because if you ask some random person to lie down to entrance. The results are pretty bad.(go give it a try)
·         It will only create an obsessed stalker
When To Do This:
·         When you are stuck in a so-called friend-zone
·         For a PUA. This should be done in Comfort phase of mystery’s model
·         If you are already in a relationship and To strengthen the existing relationship
Finally, How To do This:
1.      Manage to put him/her in a trance which is the hardest part of this
2.      Ask them to replay the most joyful moment of their life in their mind then ask them for minute details of the event and finally ask them the feeling.
3.      Make them express the feelings in symbol
4.      You can add an extra step to make this intense, that is to suggest the host to make the feeling more intense
5.      Suggest him/her to visualize you both standing in your most common meeting place
6.      Suggest him/her to visualize giving the symbol to you and then keeping it with you in your pocket(Make this more subtle )
7.      Take him/her out of trance
Remember that this means that the host will associate the feeling of greatest happiness with you for the rest of their life.

Finishing Touch:
Sub-modalities shift can be used to do many things ranging from increasing confidence to controlling someone. Hypnosis is necessary in order to do this. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t do it in the first attempt. Some seeds can take a while to blossom in their head. Binaural Beats helps you to entrance more easily(Available in Mp3s) and find unique Sub-modality shift for your or others welfare.