Tuesday 16 May 2017

Neg Theory: Don't use it if you are unsure

                                       Neg Theory

What is negging?

Negging was invented by Erik Von Markovik  a.k.a Mystery. Negging means a statement that disqualifies you as a suitor at the same time poking at the ego of the target and not a mere statement of insult. Negging is used during the attraction phase to erase the idea from the obstacles that you are not another chump who wants to get into the pants but a friendly person who wants to socialize.

These are the objectives of Negging

  • To disqualify yourself as a suitor
  • To hurt the targets ego

Do not neg someone who is ugly because it causes them to think that you are just like everyone else.

Common negs are ‘’nice nails, are those real BTW?’’, ‘’hands off the merchandise” ‘’Is she always like that” the best way to understand neg is that it is nothing but the things you say to people whom you don’t find attractive. It’s not a mere insult. Negs makes the Obstacles(her so called friends) to think that you are not trying to seduce her because you wont say that if you wanna seduce.

 We always go behind what we don’t have and this is especially true for hot chicks. Hot girls are not only worshipped by Indians but all the guys in the street. That constan attention and soothing sppeches inflates her ego since her childhood and when you coming from nowhere dealing her as anyone else, the target tries to make you get attracted to her. This is the purpose of Negging. If you still didn’t get attracted for the entire session It creates a obsession in her which is called ‘Attraction’. In Neil Strauss’ book ‘the game’ he finally goes to settle with a girl whom at first was tough. Just like a hot chick who gets attracted to cocky guy. The worlds best PUA gets obsessed with her because she seems to be unreachable but after she gets into the reach of him, we all know what he did.

Please keep in mind that you should not neg someone who is below 8. The negs should not be insulting, this is where rookies go wrong, they confuse negging with the insult and no one loves insulting

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